Water Wednesday Wearing Down – Fiddling While Paris Burns
texas fly fishing drought in texas
Ever wonder what it looks like eight feet under the water you’re fishing? Now you can see what the best fly you ever tied got hung up on.
It’s getting a bit difficult to keep the focus on Texas fly fisher’s water woes, when it seems like no one else is doing it. Not that they’re not, but I don’t see it, don’t hear about it, and certainly haven’t seen any Texas fishing or fly fishing organization pick up the baton and run with this story cause. And believe me, I’ve been looking and watching for a while now.
What’s that saying? “Fiddling while Paris burns.” I’m afraid that’s what diving down this rabbit hole amounts to … fiddling. A single person can’t do all that’s needed to watchdog the powers at the State level who are running full throttle and unchecked.
I imagine that everyone cares about this issue problem, but maybe I am just imagining things again. Let’s make one more run around the horn, and see what people and the powers are saying elsewhere.
If we take another look at the Texas Water Development Board website, in this the month of our God February, in the year 2014, we find that the .pdf file showing the Board’s organization is still out of date. A 2012 .pdf link is also there, titled “… 2012 State Water Plan.” If you think Texas government functions any better than the federal government, you must be smoking something. Maybe YOU can view the video clips of meetings at http://www.texasadmin.com/agenda.php?confid=TWDB_WS011314&dir=twdb, but I certainly can’t. And isn’t that what government is all about; making things so difficult we don’t even bother to try?
We also find a new slick slider that some PR person obviously had a hand in – announcing the SWIFT – State Water Implementation Fund for Texas. Wow, that took some thinking!
Moving quickly away from glacial government websites, here’s a link to Association of Water Board Directors – Texas . Upon closer inspection of who they have as members, these guys appear to be power hitters.
If you take a look at Save Texas Water, sites like this definitely lead to more information and more interweb digging. It seems like every crisis breeds boards and committees doesn’t it? If they (boards and committees) were the solution, there wouldn’t be a problem. For whatever reason, the .org status or whatever, many of these sites are plastered with old informational links.
We all know the cat’s already out of the bag as far as Texas Proposition 6 goes, but do you ever wonder what knowledgable people say about How Proposition 6 Passed, and What’s Up Next for Water Projects in Texas? Click on, and read on. The State Impact site also has a great summary on Everything You Need to Know About the Texas Drought.
If you have any pertinent links, be sure to share them in the comments. You do not have to register or give me any personal information to comment (at least I don’t get any), so feel free to sound off.
We’ll just leave it at this for now.
My wife is associated with AWBD as she’s on the MUD board for our neighborhood. It’s an interesting situation. I guess in Houston and SE Texas it’s not the same issue because of our coastal proximity we won’t experience the same degree of drought but there are likely changes coming for developers.