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Want to Escape the Drought? Go North Fly Fishers


While we here in the middle of North Texas continue to suffer through falling lake levels and lack of rain, if you were to go a few miles north, and get out from under the dome, lakes like Texoma and others in Oklahoma proper have an abundance of water.

A lot of verbiage is being spent lately on fly fishing at Broken Bow, and this evening I will have an update with just about everything you need to know about fly fishing Broken Bow, Oklahoma, right now. I learned quite a bit last week at the meeting of the Red River Fly Fishers, but I just need to get the information off the handouts and onto the draft of the post on Broken Bow that I am working on behind the scenes. Broken Bow has sentimental value, as it was one of the first destinations I fly fished, but it has had, shall we say, its ups and downs over the years. If you are headed for Broken Bow, just remember to check back here for that post which should be out by this time tomorrow at the latest. POP QUIZ QUESTION: Do you remember what the warmest water temperature trout can survive in? As far as ambient air temperatures go, it’s almost as hot there as it is here right now.

It may sound stupid simple, but “know before you go” is the rule of the day – especially when we are squeezed so hard by drought. I will roll a bunch of information (into that upcoming post) that will help you know before you go to the Bow.

Here is some tabulated data for Oklahoma Lake Levels, and specific lake level data for Broken Bow Lake. Here’s a very easy to decipher website for Texas water data – that just tells us what we don’t want to know.

I saw some very dramatic drought photos yesterday here – Fish On! the Fly drought pictures Lake Amistad Reservoir.

Stay tuned. The post on fly fishing in Broken Bow, Oklahoma could provide some relief for those of you looking to get a summer trout fix.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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