TFO Fiberglass Rods On The Way
Fiberglass TFO fly rod? Heck yes. Everybody and their mother (spelled SAGE and SCOTT) has come up with a fiberglass rod to try and get in on the wave of fiberglass fly fishing that continues to roll unevenly through the fly fishing industry. For TFO to make a fiberglass rod just makes sense. After all, these guys are masters of mass production and can turn on a dime when it comes to prototyping new rods – tapers, composites, etc …
Some TFO fly rods I like very much, and own, are the BVK in three different weights, the Mangrove in 8 weight (remember those redfish I tested it on), and my high mountain TFO Finesse 2 weight.
I’ve been wanting to try some of the heavier glass fly rods on carp, like the New Zealand EPIC fly rod line since they come in bigger weights. And that will be the real test – which fiberglass fly rod makers actually realize that we need higher weight class rods. If you ever want a real taste of glass, be sure to visit my friend Cameron Mortenson’s website at
Stay tuned. If they have a “carp weight” fly rod, we will get our hands on it!