Steel Fish and What’s on the Boards
steel fish art with plasma cutter

A diseased looking fish at best. Some eye disease is present. In the background is the largest ongoing welding project known in the free world of our backyard. Note the typical wide angle distortion. The fish is actually three inches in length.
Anyone who knows me knows I have a soft spot for hard steel.
A guy buys a torch, a welder, a plasma cutter and grinder, and the next thing you know he thinks he’s a weldor. I imagine true weldors / true artists look at it much like true photographers look at the proliferation of “photographers.”
Anyone who knows something about art knows, or has said at one time or another, “It’s all been done before.” Well, I can guarantee you steel fish have been done before because I saw the most wonderful examples hanging on the walls of Gruene Outfitters the last time I was there meeting with Tiffany and selling the Cimarrona product line. It is one of those moments we are all struck by, when a journey begins with the simple words, “I can do that.”
The artist is Curtis Kroesche, and his work has inspired me to pick up the plasma and get cutting again. His web site is, and he is in New Braunfels, Texas. Already, I can see that I am thinking in other directions from his work, but I still have this drive to figure out just how he does what he does.
Texas Fly Fishing MESSAGE BOARDS
According to a thread at, the Stripers are blitzing on Lake Texoma. I can’t find anyone who thinks things below the dam will ever be like they were last year, that is not until the next 500-year flood. It was good while it lasted, and just what a newbie to fly fishing needed to quickly build too much confidence in their ability.
Another thread I am in on at shows just how geeky and how much (virtually) useless knowledge abounds in my synapses on the subject of photography. Too bad no one wants a teacher of photography. That was where I poured all that out to make room for other things. Let’s see if there’s enough room for steel fish, or is it another creative dead end?
In The Mail
I received the strangest little envelope from SIMMS today. It contained a deck of porn playing cards – fish porn that is. I guess I moved up on their mailing list after sending my waders back for repair recently. Whatever the case, thanks SIMMS!
i get pickles for free remember!
your abbreviations confuzzle me, but i figure that the big A is austin. like the little d is denton.
also. come to fuzzy’s on thursday to eat with me and gibby and blue. it’s going to be my first fuzzy’s experience!
Cindy – Yes, I would love a bag-o-spice and some pickles as well. Bring the bill when you are in town from Big A. this week. shannon
We need a little something extra to get us through the winter doldrums until the redbuds bloom and the hybrids run. How about a monthly fly tying session? Meet a couple of guys for tying and beer. Maybe Fuzzy’s or Wine Safari?
What say you? —– Joel Hays
because i think it cut off the end of my last comment.
we also have the site
hey, maybe someday the fly fishing bug (hah, bugs. hah, see i do know SOMETHING about fly fishing) will bite me.
If the recipe wasn’t top secret (aka i don’t have access to it, and i actually signed a contract saying that i would not share trade secrets) i would totally give it to you. honestly the bag of spices just says a few ingredients and then “spices”. An easier feat would be snagging a bag of the spice mixture, which makes a whole bucket’s worth. although the longer they sit, the spicier they get.
Yes. Completely pointless. But, sometimes you do have a point, although never related to fly fishing. Can you give me the formula for making Spicy Pickles? I promise no one is looking. Is there a site for SP? shannon
I guess it’s fitting that you’re giving the “blue steel” look since the fish is made of steel and all.
I think you must have mis-typed something though, because i’m guessing the length of your four fingers across would be somewhere in the 2+ inch range and there is obviously a lot more fish than just three inches. maybe you meant width/height?
haha leave it to me to post completely pointless comments!