Rolling on the Monday Morning Sidewalk – Southbound and Down

Good morning to you wherever you are this fine holiday morning! Perhaps you have a holiday, and perhaps not. Regardless, it is Monday and the redbuds are about to pop, and the crane flies have been spotted. Unless we get a freak blast, spring will arrive early this year.

I am just pounding this out before hopping in the car and heading to the studios in Las Colinas, TX, to do some still photos (at least that’s what I’ve been told) as someone quite prominent (in the fly industry) works on a project there. That’s really all I can say about that.

Meanwhile, we got back from Santa Fe, NM, last week and I am anticipating a story from my SO on what to do BESIDES FLY FISH if you find yourself abandoned in Santa Fe. I know what I am doing now that I am back – dieting!

The weather here is extremely unstable, and will eventually result in colder temperatures and a good chance of rain this week. Darn! I was hoping for one day on the water, but after shooting some video of my casting, I saw a terrible hitch in my form that has resulted from bad habit or months off casting. Either way, it’s bad enough to be disturbing. Wanna’ see that video? Just ask.

I have been toying around with the new TFC website theme in the deep of the night, and when I turn this baby loose on the site, it’s going to be an all night affair of getting it to look as advertised. What else is new!

I may be able to get information out from this shoot today, so follow @twitter and also check the instagram thingie.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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