Monday Morning’s Slippery Sidewalk

A week in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, and no harm done and no fouls to report. Rain was the big catch, and I caught it by the bucketload last week while it wasn’t raining anywhere else in the entire Country (maybe I exaggerate?). So goes the luck of a fisherman, and so goes the luck of a fly fisherman (aka. the speck on a gnat’s ass).
I hightailed it back to Texas early Saturday morning, and this is how it went …
The greatest thing about an 1100-mile fly fishing round trip by your own means is? It gives one a lot of time to think, and listen to those voices.
The first voice I remember was a 5am Cajun themed fishing and hunting show out of New Orleans. It came on loud and strong as I was passing by NOLA in direct longitude to the Big Easy. This radio show was not only bringing the latest fishing and hunting information, the host was talking to a guide who was literally in the marsh waiting for another hunter to pick up his duck decoys and get out of the way. “I puut up my blind yesterday, and two people have been in it since then! Hard to believe, right!” They went on to talk about the hunting, the fishing and the blasted weather forecast. It was a conversation you would hear at the diner down toward Venice – a perfect slice of Louisiana Boudin.
It says it right there on the plate, “Sportsman’s Paradise,” and whether I like their French Colonial politics or not, I DO believe they have a legitimate claim to the title. It just goes to show you how a State’s politics can actually hurt a state economically, doesn’t it?
While I was actually staying in Bay St. Louis (see the video out later this week), I began to wonder just how long a stretch of the Redneck Riviera that Mississippi and Alabama actually occupy. It turns out Mississippi has 44-miles and Alabama has 60. Another two specks on a speck’s ass compared to Louisiana’s 7721-miles of tidal shoreline, beating out Florida with 5095-miles.
Total mileage was in the 1100 mile range, and the worst roads between here and there now? Well the worst roads are in Dallas of course. The old grooved and jointed pavement between here and BSL is gone.
Sure enough I made it back with more than a case of Yuengling beer varieties for myself and anyone who wants to come by the Fly Bar and sample. Of course I also imported two-and-half cases for a friend who KNOWS better than to pass up a free shipping offer on the best beer made in America (large brewery) – North America’s oldest brewery.
Two new things you will notice – one now, and one at the end of the year (should the world exist at the end of 2020).
ONE – I have shut down my Facebook account, or as they allow; “Deactivated” the account. If you get here, I welcome you, but the odds of you getting here via Facebook are down to zero. I will not be a part of the Russian plotting to interfere with the next election, and as long as Mark Zuckerberg, aka. The Deer Caught in the Headlights, is willfully helping the Russians – count me out.
TWO – I don’t exactly know why I haven’t ever done a running mont-by-month blow-by-blow of the articles and events that would look like an abbreviated diary of this website’s “blog,” or “postings,” but I will start a draft of this for 2020 now.
And hold on, because once I am severed (from my day work) at the end of January – in 18 business days? You may need to buckle up and put on your helmet because change will be mandatory – one way or another. It could be because the airbags go off, or because the wind will give you black eyes.
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