Monday Morning Waiting Game

What a Monday people. I wonder how many people will actually remember what conditions – across the board – really are today?
It’s the coldest day in North Texas in a year. Our beautiful Country has taken another swing of the pendulum in DC. And me, I could really use some fly fishing time about now.
The only thing to do is keep my eyes on the prize, in this case, bringing the fly fishing message to the masses, and finding converts along the road to wherever it goes.
I am having problems with this keyboard. It seems I have worn it out. Letters are no longer hitting which is fixable unless it’s the fifth try at a password. Then it can get a bit annoying. Time to go back to the old school mechanical for me! Heck, why not? The entire Country’s going back now … now that the old crowd is back in town.
Honestly, this political thing is not worth talking about, but it’s hard not to think about for someone who lives outside in an environment that could obviously benefit from massive reforms. But, let’s shift gears …
Somehow I managed to string a series of video recording sessions together last week. There were so many topics covered that I am probably going to have to sit down and think some more … a painful proposition, but at 20-degrees this morning? indoors is looking pretty good for a couple of days.
There have been painfully few times in this YouTube endeavor where my perception of what makes a useful and entertaining video is actually greeted warmly by viewers in agreement. But, the latest video about TEMU fly fishing and fly tying products online has apparently struck that balance to some fly fishing folks. I am highly confident that, for whatever reason YouTube has chosen, and they do have an ability to CHOOSE, the next video will be as lame as most of the videos I have done for a while now. If that YouTube algorithmic finger ever reaches down and touches me? I will be as shocked as you are! Nevertheless, once the furor dies down over the TEMU video, there are more than two-weeks-worth of videos “in the can*” NOW – for your free entertainment at the Texas Fly Fishing and Wholistic Fly Fisher YouTube Channel.
Besides the huge outreach to the masses, it is also time to wade through this video set, reach the fly tying bench, and start tying some flies for the spring sand bass run. I know the Veterans group is going to be ready for some of that action, and I only hope the fickle weather gods of North Texas will cooperate this year.
Now that Los Pescadores on South Padre Island has gone belly-up (12/20/24), I know for a fact there is a GOOD coffee shortage on the Island, but there is apparently about to be one in the rest of the US as well. Of course, we coffee drinkers also realize the fact that coffee is not grown in the US, so here comes a 20-percent Trump tax along with the shortage. Here in little old Denton, Texas, we have already started our doomsday stockpiling, and are furiously mixing beans to find a blend that will carry us through American Carnage II as affordably as possible.
Be sure to inspect your gear today! With the promise of a new 20-percent tax increase coming to imports soon? If there is anything you thought was a value when you bought it, I would stock up four-years-worth now — if I were you. There’s no doubt the quality of fly fishing products coming from Communist China has improved in recent years. For the historically minded fly fisher reading, it reminds ME of when I was a kid and post-war Japanese products started off so cheap and raw. We all remember what came next, right? I seriously doubt a Communist Country can replicate Japanese success (thanks General MacArthur), but its not for lack of 1.5-billion people’s effort.
You may notice the Texas Fly Caster Website is on a crash diet? I have deleted many pages that were essentially historical gibberish that the old have already read, or the young converts will NEVER read. This is the trimming of the sails as a new theme is about to land here. It’s going to be ugly for awhile though … that’s my prediction, as construction gets underway. And after the same look here, over … how many years? it will be strange to look at for me, for a long time. But, this design is completely worn out, and falling apart behind the curtain. And this wizard knows when to get a new curtain. Ride along with me will ya’ …
*In The Can – Recorded, filmed, taped, etc. but not yet released for sale, exhibition, broadcast, viewing, etc.
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