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Monday Morning Starting in Last Place Fading Fast

Holy Carp Tournament and Bass World Championships – Over and Done I Completely Missed

Welcome to Your Monday Morning, or what’s left of it!

Good Monday Morning! If you are a music lover, I am spinning Kandace Springs right now — what a sweet voice. There’s nothing quite like a young voice that you know will only get better with age – unlike MINE!

fly fishing monday morning sidewalkIn the science and art of fly fishing, in this instance for carp, we can certainly apply some mathematics as well – even if I hate math. Take your fly fishing action curve and bend it straight up, UP and AWAY right now. We are at the height of the carp fly fishing season, and there does not seem to be anything or anyone who can stop it. And by now, the frisky males who were paying little attention to flies? Well, they’re probably pretty famished.

I’ve missed a lot of Texas Fly Fishing news lately, and that includes the results of the world famous Bass World Championship held at Lake Fork, Texas. Tournaments, are by necessity, on weekends – and that means I am out for the foreseeable future. My weekdays are gold though!

I will get those Bass World results ALONG WITH the Houston carp tournament – HOLY CARP — as soon as they are available. At LEAST I GOT the headsup that there is a Dallas carp tournament, somewhere, sometime soon!?! I know nothing about it.

Today is already gone, so I will get you a report on Texas Fly Fishing PLUS a specific call on where the fish are on Lake Lavon, Texas. For now, enjoy this week OUTSIDE and send in your fish-pix for including in the Texas Fly Fishing Report. I love to show YOUR SUCCESSES more than mine.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.