Monday Morning Sidewalk the Walk
Good Monday Morning fly fishers from all over the map. I never thought I would hear myself say this, but thank God we are not in the Pacific Northwest today! Temperatures in Seattle are expected to hit 114-degrees today! Texas doesn’t seem so bad at the moment, but now I have probably jinxed July for us, and we will hit 120 next month.
This morning is short and sweet. The plate is full leading into Fourth-of-July weekend, with an art show happening outdoors in Lake Dallas this Saturday. I am madly making steel glyphs for that and at the same time dealing with the blown out rear windshield of my 4Runner. In case you missed the last part, feel free to watch the latest Texas Fly Fishing Report Video, and see the remains of the windshield fall out on video. I guess I should realize: I am fortunate that the entire windshield did not fall on me when it blew up. Strange days indeed.
I will also be working feverishly, after hours, to piece together a video of the first leg of a Paluxy River float with Danny Scarborough. It was quite an adventure, one that deserves repeating, or expanding! But with rainy weather expected here this week, who knows when that may happen. Like I say on the video, these windows are small, cracked actually, and there’s not much room to squeeze in your fly fishing opportunities right now.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned in every way!