Culture on the SkidsTECHNICAL

In The Grips

I hate to say I told you so, but it’s cold as a witch’s out there the last few days, and I wonder just how many people will attend the kayak fishing tournament this Saturday on Lake Ray Roberts with temperatures at start time to be in the lower 30’s? One would think spring would be a better time for an event like that, but then what do I know about putting on kayak fishing tournaments on Lake Ray Roberts. I just fish.

If you have yet to sign up for the Texas Fly Caster newsletter, please consider doing that now – as the information found in these occasional newsletters provide you with insights not always found on these pages. I just sent out the latest newsletter, and it’s simply full of information designed to titillate those of you who have been contacting me since the dead of winter – wanting to book carp trips. Obviously, that’s not happening yet this far north. If you sign up for the newsletter now, I will send the latest one out to you directly – before the timely information it contains gets stale. SUBSCRIBE through the mailchimp box in the sidebar.

I am about to pull the plug on this site design, so don’t be surprised if it looks awful for a few days, and please be patient as we will return with a new more dynamic look through the fog of these half-changes, and experimental colors and layouts. All the old links, all the old posts, all the things you like (and maybe hate), will return to the new site, just with a new more clean and readable look. If there’s something you really hate, now’s the time. And if more than one of you really, really hate it – the axe could easily fall. Pray for bad weather and cold, as that will get this job done sooner.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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