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Gray Is The Color Of Monday

“There you go again,” said Ronnie Reagan, and so it is: Well, here we go again with another gray May Monday. How can we help but talk like the weather, like a bunch of old geezers who have forgotten what else we could be, or used to be, talking about. I mean, what happened to sex, drugs and rock-and-roll?


Less sex. There are news stories breaking today – that document the decline in new births around the world (with a very few continents excepted). Stunningly, we are heading toward a day when there will be as many 86-year-olds as there are 18-year-olds living and celebrating birthdays. The theories are many, but the truth for the USA is that we also have kinked the hose on the other option for new consumers replacing the dying and dead ones – immigration. Imagine an economy shrinking decade after decade, simply because the number of living humans is declining. There are as many ideas for solving the problem as what caused it, but for now? Put that in your pipe and smoke it. If you are a maker of products, or server of services: You better be good at it, or face the music of your great-great-grandparent’s choosing.


More drugs. Someone told me Texas has legalized medical marijuana? What’s up with that? If you’ve been to Oklahoma lately, you see what the “Medical Marijuana Industry” really looks like. Just across the border, take your “scrips” and you can shop for relief – in towns, like Tishomingo, Broken Bow … the medical dispensaries are popping up everywhere. I don’t recommend Oklahoma for medical relief, but it still might hold some relief – for those of us who want to go fly fishing. The question is where? 


Music maestro. We are now entering a new and exciting decade of modern music that can all be loosely called, rock-and-roll. But we are also entering a decade of certain loss, as the population of elderly music sages will decline in a huge way. It’s hard enough to live without two Beatles, but the odds of the two remaining lasting this decade? And how about the Rolling Stones? Unless they really did do a deal with the Devil, or really do get youth blood transfusions in Jamaica? And how about Neil Young? He’s already crazy, but someday he’ll certainly have to quit riding the horse. Losing the golden oldies has always been a driver in my thirst for new artists, and we have so much to look forward to while watching a few legends, like Billy F. Gibbons, age gracefully.


It used to be, you could count on the three previous topics combining to add to the population of new babies, but no more. Maybe the weed is blunting the millennial sex drive as well? 

You can count on music to still cross-over into fly fishing here at Texas Fly Caster, and on the YouTube videos, but YouTube is slowly choking out the smaller video creators as I write this. If you know any royalty free music sources, please let me know about them! If you want YOUR MUSIC featured here? I am all ears.

Fly fishing Oklahoma, at least South Central-East Oklahoma, has fallen so much out of favor (spelled Beaver’s Bend), it seems only natural to want to go see the train wreck in person. You know, my old fly fishing adage; trust but verify. 

Did anyone ever tell you stories about catching fish in the rain? How many times have I heard, “Fish’s gotta eat, right,” from so many different anglers. Absolutely true, and the best place to put that to the test right now? Lakes. The remainder of this month, it appears – TO ME – Texas lakes are the best places to at least try to catch fish on the fly. Rivers and creeks? Go ahead (be safe) and check, let me know how that turns out. And since lakes are also off color, make sure you are prepared to use your typical flies in non-typical colors.

All I know for sure is; we have to get out more, catch in the rain or search for the sun somewhere else! Thanks for reading along and have a fantastic rocking, rolling week! Keep sending in those PIX of fly fishing wherever you are!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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