Blue River Hoppin’ Redbuds Poppin’
Scenes From the Blue River Fly Tournament and Sand Bass Update
This Monday Morning Sidewalk on YouTube includes tides, moon phase, Blue River Oklahoma news and the latest conditions for sand bass on fly in North Central Texas.
The Blue River Association had its annual Fly Fishing Classic, as usual on the First Saturday in March, and it was an amazingly beautiful day in South Central Oklahoma (not the best for fly fishing), and had a huge turnout for that event. Texas was there in force, of course, but I met a few Oklahoma fly fishers who were familiar with the YouTube Channel and this website. Thanks for stopping to talk to me guys and girls! I appreciate any opinions you have or had about this website and Channel
This is timely, so I need to cut short and get this one out to the sand bass soggy bottom boys, and to those who are thinking about batting cleanup at the Blue River this week!