New Braunfels Fly Fishers Update
If you fly fish in the New Braunfels – Austin area, then here is what the New Braunfels Fly Fishers club is up to for the rest of the month. The GRTU update on the Lease Access Program, the 22nd., ought to be interesting.
Saturday, November 19th – Learn to Fly Cast – This is our monthly program for beginning fly casters at Fischer Park from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. This is a easy, informal program for people who are new to fly casting or are coming back to fly fishing after a break. Look for us by the Nature Center. Also, for members that might be able to help teaching, please email Ron ([email protected]) to let him know that you can assist.
Tuesday, November 22nd – Monthly Meeting – Join us at the Nature Center at Fischer Part at 7:00 pm for our monthly meeting. This month we will be hearing from Jimbo Roberts of GRTU, who will be giving us an update on the GRTU Lease Access Program, as well as all things trout on the Guadalupe. Board Meeting will be held at 6:00pm.
Tuesday, December 13th – Fly Tying Night – Join us at the Nature Center at Fischer Park at 7:00pm for our monthly fly tying night. All skill levels welcome. Supplies and tools are available if you do not have your own.
MAP: Nature Center at Fischer Park
Finally, the Holdover Tournament was a big success this year, with 5 float teams, and additional “self-guided” participants. No trout were caught, but fun was had by many, if not all.
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