Fish ArtLife ObservedSouth TexasTexas Gulf CoastWild Art Wednesday

Wild Art Wednesday

OWN a Piece of Padre History

It never occurred to me that Grandma was doing some historical mining when she would stop at the postcard display – you remember those spinning rounders that sat at the registers on South Padre right? – and she would take not one, but two, three sometimes even five postcards of the same and add them to the bill. (If you don’t know what a postcard is? Just ask me. It goes way back to the days of the “post office.”)

A few survived long enough for me to dig them up and after spending my time on South Padre Island in late 2022 halfway into 2023, I recognized them as valuable timepieces that show what the Island once was. They don’t go quite back to my first memories of South Padre Island in the early 60’s, but those aerials certainly capture an island on the cusp of being changed forever.

And the innocence of beach combing couples belied the tumult of the Island’s late 60’s hippie invasion, that by the early 70’s was just another memory.

I only have a few originals, so I decided to do better, and now have these reproductions for purchase in my SHOP. If you are unfamiliar with framing, then let me explain the description on the postcards … when an image is “floated” that means they are printed (by me archivally) on an oversize sheet of quality photo paper. That makes them ripe for quality framing, and that is a service I also offer for all the artwork in my gallery. Quality prints in quality frames for artwork with South Padre Island, and Borderlands

ReyRam Fly - PoP's Lower Laguna Madre Go-To Fly

A Texas Fly Original for Saltwater Fly Fishing on the Coast
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ReyRam Fly - PoP's Lower Laguna Madre Go-To Fly
Product Details

Texas Tied Saltwater Fly


Pops named the ReyRam after Brownsville's Dr. Rey Ramirez. It is one of the earliest flies that did the most good in the entire history of Pops Flies. Pops considers the ReyRam to be one of his top GO-TO flies when the bite gets frustrating, or he just can't figure out what to throw at those uncooperative saltwater fish on the Lower Laguna Madre. Make no mistake! Yes, it works all along the Texas Gulf Coast, but Pops never heads south without at least six fresh ones in the box!

Size 8 on a stainless hook, and with some heavier eyes to get it to dig and jig into the grass and sand. NO WEED GUARDS!

Pop ties these flies

#flyfishing #flytying #texasflycaster #flyfishing #llmffa #lowerlagunamadre #southpadreisland #spitexas #texasgulfcoast

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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