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Vlogging Through the Hard Season

Time to Cut Bait

Did anyone ever say, “Winter is hard,” to you? I did. I said it here a thousand times by now, but damn winter really IS hard, at least around here it is. Thinner skin and the fur head-coat is wearing off from wearing ball caps too long now, it just seems the “cold” is colder inside my wrinkled old skin suit.

I didn’t it mind to so much when I first came to North Texas in 1980. We were coming off the Summer of 80, and it still holds the heat records. And the heat was still on when I got here. We would spin our newest albums, and some classics, with the windows open at Smiley’s dorm room (Kendall Hall) – because his dorm on the NTSU campus did not have A/C. Imagine that.

Once winter rolled in that year, cuddling with coeds was a welcome warmth, whether it was Clark Hall or Maple – just a short walk across the street and through the wedged open side door.

Nowadays, a life living outdoors HERE where it gets truly cold and painfully hot … well it takes a toll. And for me, combining these down months, an major downtick on the YouTube Channel and this dreaded latitude? It leads to a lot of adding … adding up the pluses and minuses.

It’s Christmas eve 2024, and we have a solid rain coming down this morning, as the sun comes up here … somewhere hidden behind that wall of blackness to the west. Thunder is rolling through this old house, and Finn, now getting older and more “sensitive” to such noises, has rolled himself into a tight fur ball in his safe place. This too shall pass.

About the only way I can figure to get the whole train set on some kind of creative and helpful track, is to shift into something I had not thought I would be doing – vlogging. Even the word kind of gives me the heebies. Vlogging opens up an entire can of whup-ass on the person doing it.

Vlogging crosses many invisible lines for the vast majority of people. Is it real? Can it even be real? And who cares? Are you living to vlog, or are you alive because of the vlog, or what? I don’t know how this will turn out, but it beats doing nothing and falling further behind some very terrible YouTube Channels – especially when I have the time to use for this new adventure. I am good enough at one thing now, statistics, to see whether it is going to take hold or not. I hope, this helps viewers gain something – in a new way, and attracts a new crowd to the sport. The statistics tell me very clearly: My outreach/attempts to grow the sport are NOT working. And that is truly disturbing.

So maybe when it’s time to fish? I will be done cutting this vlog bait! The best advice I have seen in a long time, when it comes to these YouTube things is, “Nobody gives a F^C& what you do! Just do what you want, and F^C& it.” That is a language that I understand loud-and-clear, and SPEAK (under my breath when alone). So if you see me comin’ you might want to step aside! These little cameras have a WIDE ANLGE and you might just get caught! Would that be so tragic?

REGARDLESS of the morning’s meanderings, I hope you and all yours have a fantastic time together this Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and on through the New Year. I have a beautifully burst vessel on the surface of my eye – since yesterday, which should go a very long way, even further than usual, toward keeping me out of the family photographs! The rain is pouring down now …

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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