Turning a Fly

Inventing the famous coyote carp fly

Joel Hays [ppw id=”133615833″ description=”Science of a Fly” price=”.10″]

at, is formulating a fly that will turn hook up for the Carp pursuits coming this spring and summer. Now, JH is of a scientific bent, while some of us are of an artistic bent – meaning he eats, and we often don’t. Not that JH is devoid of an artistic flair, he fairly qualifies as a modern renaissance fly fisher.

Here is his formula. For those who would like to arrive at this solution on your own, all you need according to JH, is an Ohaus AS120 Digital Analytical Balance (measures 1/10000 gram).

Here are the results:

“Fascinating results.
Given the results of masses (a Gam. SC15 #4 has a mass of .0811g and a pair of mini eyes = .3094g) and calculations, it looks like you need a rough ratio of 2.5X eye mass to hook mass in order to get a fly to invert (this is not taking into effect materials on the hook – which can greatly affect it).

Mini lead eye/ Gam. SC15 = 3.815 (fly works great in the tank – fast sink rate)
L slv bead chain / heavy scud = 2.480 (fly works 7 out of 8 trials in tank – slower sink rate)
Med bead chain / heavy scud = 1.232 (fly does not invert in tank)

So, in order to get the med. Gold chain eye to work (same eye on the venerable Carp Bitters) I need to find a hook with a mass of .0547 g.

YEAH BABY!!!!! Who said flyfishing is an art?”

Does anyone understand that geekiness? Give me my art — video of testing in the new aquarium should be forthcoming once success is visible to the aided eye. If it catches fish, it is art – to an artist. Or, if it catches fish, it is science – to a scientist?


shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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