Texas Fly Caster – Better Stronger Faster

The scalpel is about to come out and do some cutting on the website. Okay, maybe I’ll use a Bubba Knife … maybe I should use a chainsaw … I digress.

If you, the readers in the shadows, the lurkers, the readers who are registered, or the newly arrived readers – have any creative ideas on what to keep on this site and what to cut – speak now, or forever hold your peace.

I’ve threatened a redesign of Texas Fly Caster for some time now, but as things grow a bit dusty and the spider webs build between unseen coding, it really is time to go pro-active and put a new look on the face of Texas Fly Caster. I look around at other sites quite a bit for inspiration, but I can’t really find a theme that does all the things you need it to do. However, when there are abandoned sites ranking above TFC simply because of (the luck of) their names, it’s time to make a move.

There’s no doubt that TFC would not be here without the amazing progress brought by WordPress, the underlying technology I started this site with in 2008, and a technology that has made site design more of an afterthought for hundredsthousands of fly fishing websites, as well as businesses large and small around the world. While the WordPress platform remains stable and relatively simple, there is a growing dearth of new themes (what gives this site its “look”). And that’s why it has taken so long for me to do this much needed redesign. Now it’s time to pull the trigger. So you may be reading, or checking in at any given time, and TFC may look messed up, or off in some way, but working on the site means keeping it live while I work on it. Ahhh, the price of fame (now about the fortune).

Thank you for reading all these years, and tolerating the style of Texas Fly Caster if you hated it, and complementing it when you loved it. The odds are the site will go through some ugly times on the way to the new look, so hang in there!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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