
Sawgrass Fly Rods

Solid Stick of Graphite Dynamite

One piece fly rods are like fine wines. You can taste the difference, or at least I still can! I haven’t drank a lot of wines in my time, but I have cast a lot of rods. Yeah, the truth is a less serious (as in less frequent) fly fisher may not have developed his casting chops to the point where they could actually feel the difference. And while a Sawgrass one piece New Moon isn’t cheap, it’s the least expensive high end one piece fly rod in the world today. Really, it is. I don’t have time to blow smoke fly fishers. The components – all of them – speak for themselves!

Sure, plenty of fly fishers will balk at the idea of a one-piece, but if you let me get one of these Sawgrass fly rods in your hands? I might just have to pry it out one finger at a time.

There is a reason I am high on these rods. They keep me from having to “work” so hard when I am fly fishing. Let me explain, in the life of a Wholistic Fly Fisher, don’t you think it would be good to cut the casting, false casting by a substantial count – on EACH AND EVERY cast?

It doesn’t take Artificial Intelligence to tell me; work smarter not harder, even when you fly fish. Contact me if you want to take a test drive, and I will bring you a rod, whatever weight you want to try, and I can even save you some money on shipping if you need your ONE PIECE FLY ROD shipped to you!

Rest assured, there will be more new offerings in the Sawgrass Fly Rod line. I know because I have seen them, and held them. And if you believe, like me, that these rods are special, the ones I have seen that are not public yet? They are mind-bending rods my friends. I will keep you posted on their progress, and if I can sneak out a prototype every now and then, maybe a late night casting session somewhere – and you’re buying! the beer that is!

NOTE: This is a repost from one of the stories lost during the website transition. Only a few more to go!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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