Post TPWD Clarifications & Information

| August 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

What Some of the Terms Mean

NLMB – Northern Largemouth Bass

FLMB – Florida (strain) Largemouth Bass

SMB – Smallmouth Bass

What is a “Lone Star Bass?”

What is the “Morone production?”

Thanks for all responses, and the honesty and frankness of these responses! It is enlightening to readers and all types of fishers in Texas!

“Yes, the abbreviations are correct.  A Lone Star Bass is a pure Florida Bass, it is just the name we decided to give to the bass we are now producing from ShareLunkers donated to the program.  A good way to describe it is that when our stocking history says ShareLunker bass, the female parent of those fish was a pure Florida bass weighing at least 13 lbs crossed with a pure male Florida bass.  If the stocking history for a lake says “Lone Star bass” those fish are the 2nd generation offspring (i.e. “grand children”) of male and female Florida bass, all produced from different ShareLunkers donated to the program.  So these Lone Star bass should have all the growth potential in the world, and I was happy to finally get some for Ray Roberts this year. 

By “morone production” he is referring the genus or species family (moronidae) that includes striped bass, white bass, and hybrid striped bass.  Since striped bass and hybrid striped bass do not naturally reproduce in most Texas lakes except for Texoma, we must produce those fingerlings every year to maintain their populations.  My office typically runs gillnets in early March to catch the male stripers and other offices down south electrofish to catch female white bass to produce the “Sunshine bass” hybrids that we stock more of now.  Prior to that we collected female striped bass below the dam of Lake Livingston to produce the opposite cross with a male white bass which is called a Palmetto bass. 

We have had a few requests over the years to stock hybrids in Ray Roberts or Lake Lavon, but unfortunately we’ve just been unable to add lakes to the program due to production limitations.  It is also doesn’t help that Ray Hubbard and Lake Lewisville receive hybrid stockings where an angler can travel just down the road to target those fish.  I have indicated I’d like to steal those hybrids for my lakes from the Fort Worth office but haven’t had any luck with that yet .  I also suspect that the bass anglers at Ray Roberts might not appreciate the addition of hybrids too much.”


Readers! We are on the home stretch of this series! I hope you have taken the time to read and comprehend – better than I do! Unless I hear something today, we are done with the TPWD commentary and knowledge gained on this topic. Learning is fun!

Now begins the task of assembling my words into an approach to stocking Texas Lakes that needs to make sense, and not scare away all the folks with big trucks who love driving across kingdom-come to catch, or line up to catch a bass. Essentially, I will be applying some method to the madness in the idea of a more wholistic stocking strategy for the 21st. Century in Texas waters. Perhaps someone will dig the upcoming stories and say, “… Hey Bubba! This guy was crazeee …” and perhaps fishing as we know it will not exist. I think the truth is; one little voice, mine, will not amount to a hill-of-beans. But this is one topic that is better (for me) to see in print, than to keep locked in my head for fear of the unknown responses.

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Category: Adventure

About the Author () is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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