Number 2 Number 2 and Happy New Year 2 You
Fly Cast Technique Music Countdown Rainbow Stockers
NUMBER 2 – Bob [ppw id=”133612415″ description=”Fly Fishing Music Review” price=”.10″]
Dylan – Bootleg Series – Tell Tale Signs. And you expected what for number 2? I could have put this at number one, and a tie, but new beats old this year. Jakob, I liked your record too. Keep trying. Special note – listen to High Water (For Charley Patton) – all the way up loud loud loud.
I was talking to LK about casting technique, something he knows a lot about, and he pointed out an article by Zach Matthews at the site. The Belgian makes a lot of sense, and from what I understand it is a lot like, if not the same, casting technique that Clouser teaches, when he does learning engagements.
I’ve been delving into vises more substantially lately (on LK’s behalf), and watching the vise thread on Zach’s site. It is easy to lust after a new vise – maybe it’s a vise vice? There are certainly a lot of them out there that I have never seen, nor heard about. If there was ever a doubt as to flies as art, take a look at this site –
For the locals, you can go elbow-to-elbow for the next few days at Southlakes Park, where some hapless Rainbows were stocked yesterday. Poor fish. Anyone would be more than justified to catch-and-kill these guys to save them from a worse fate. Really, if you can’t stand the thought, just give them to the guy on your left arm or your right.
Also in at #2 – page rank for TexasFlyCaster ! Thanks for making this a great fishing year, and look for balance to be restored in 2009 – more entertainment, food and culture on the skids, and less about fishing – not less fishing, less about fishing. There’s also going to be a new emphasis on video – stills are just so last century. Happy New Year.
And a happy new year to you, too!
1) I agree with all the comments about DynaKing vises . . . SOLID (with HMH a close second). You have to get REALLY pricey with the Renzettis to get the “power” of the DynaKing.
2) I had no idea that was called “Belgian” casting. Do you have to wear drab colors, chain smoke, enjoy cyclocross, and drink Duvel to do it? (check out a video of Flip Pallot casting – same thing).
3) Bart and I got SKUNKED on the Trinity yesterday – but saw some MONSTER carp that refused all offerings. Plan a return trip upon your return!
look at you updating every day.
i only have one of the albums on your top ten list so far. can you guess which one?