Monday Morning Sidewalk

| May 6, 2024


Buenos días mis amigos pescadores con mosca y bienvenidos a la primera semana completa de Mayo. Ahora comienza el mejor de los tiempos para la pesca con mosca en aguas de Texas.

The Cinco De Mayo debris field was reduced by the time we collapsed into bed last night. The job, well done, was not only a Cinco event, but also an extremely important FIRST birthday party. El niño rubio was just about worn out by 10:30, and his parents were prone and flirting with unconsciousness on our couch in the front room. The beans would’ve been great, but we forgot to serve them … post-party analysis continued.


We have had a spectacular opening to the fly fishing season here in North Texas – in 2024. Drought thoughts be gone, and dispersing the water in random acts of releases is well underway across Central and North Central Texas. If you are a river fly fisher, you may have never seen spikes in the gauges like we are now having. But rest assured, these spikes have come and gone in the past. They clean the waterway, freshen the waters and reshape the gravel islands and shoals.

If you have been thinking about pulling the trigger on a carp trip? Now is the time to get it on the calendar! Here is a look back at a 2016 report that closely matches the LAKE as it is now. The Brazos – right now – looks nothing like the intro!


If you are on the Texas Gulf Coast? This is when the winds begin to relent, and the long haul of summer shows you what the best times will be made of this year. The outcome for the Gulf Coast fly fishing world is still a mystery for Mother Nature to write the 2024 chapter. It’s no secret. The Gulf of Mexico is a fickle mistress that can bite you hard. Hurricanes and tropical storms have been sparse in this decade – for Texas. The ability to forget and rebuild has never been more quick. “Hurricane amnesia” it’s called. Eventually, the insurance companies will lose billions, and pass along higher rates to those of us who are nowhere near the beautiful Coast. It is what it is, and when you fall in love with the salt? Sometimes she bites …

Thanks for tuning in this morning! We have a lot of water to cover, and the time to do it in, so now all we need is a break in the wind and rain for a few good windows of fly fishing opportunities here in Texas. Keep your eyes on those river gauges, and check out the lake levels while you’re at it. These are good times, time to wait and watch and time to go.

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Category: Adventure, Backcasting, On The Water

About the Author () is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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