Land Cruiser Off The Market

Thank you for your genuine concerns and interest in the good old Land Cruiser. It has been an interesting ride, and for those of you who actually care, and care to know, all is well with everyone.

We are on the last leg of our family vacation Canada, flying out of Calgary tomorrow. Back to Texas for an exciting fall of fly fishing, fly tying with a vengeance, and … everything you’ve come to expect from this venue. I can hardly wait to get back to the triple digits and drought!

All this beautiful fresh water has me thinking about how much less stress there is (on everything) in the pursuit of cold water fly fishing – compared to salt.

In few days I will be releasing the first in a series of fly tying videos focused on Texas Gulf Coast fly fishing – and intended for my fellow Fort Worth Fly Fishers fly fishing trip to Rockport, Texas, in October. There’s only one new-ish fly – the ReyRam, and the rest will be very familiar. However, although the patterns may be familiar, watch for “nuances” to these basic flies that so many of us have forgotten, or regularly ignore.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

One thought on “Land Cruiser Off The Market

  • Thanks especially for a local lurker who came out of the woodwork talking about things you know nothing about (as per Land Cruiser). Your years of lurking are greatly appreciated. God loves you.

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