Lake Austin Drawdown January 3 – February 13 ?
This could get interesting. Apparently the LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) is rumored to be drawing down Lake Austin in an attempt to beat down the abundant hydrilla and algae bloom (lyngbya) and allow for dock and property repairs. It has been done before, but the residual effect is to eliminate boat traffic, open the lake up to kayakers who can slay fish to their heart’s content. Of course, much of the algae bloom problem is caused by runoff from fertilized (not organic) Austin yards. Apparently Austin isn’t quite weird enough to abandon chemical fertilizers … yet. Sounds like the perfect setup for the proclamation; “Don’t eat the fish!”
On the internet, you can find ongoing news releases at the Lower Colorado River Authority, and other than that location there is not much independent information to find about drawdowns and the LCRA. By reading their list of previous news releases, you will see that there is another lake, Inks Lake, that will be drawn down during this time period as well. Word throughout the overheated internet community is that there will be a news release this week. If (local) history is a lesson, the LCRA is going with short, or absolute minimum notice, so as to allow dissenters the minimum time to organize and gather their (God only knows why) complaints (read the comments for the latest).
If you have any knowledge on the drawdown, other than rumors and citing board posts, feel free to confirm or deny the mystery of the Lake Austin drawdown.
LCRA News Releases – very interesting reading
PRESS RELEASE TOMORROW MORNING. The drawdown dates are the same as Inks Lake. According to authorities, the City of Austin has jurisdiction over the lake and requested the LCRA to lower the lake. Once the LCRA agreed to do so, the City had to go back and get approval. Hence, the short notice via press release.