Just a word before I depart for the Borderlands again, and the word is Port Mansfield. Although this video was shot in April, you can still find fish there waiting for you because? Because it is Port Mansfield. As you’ll see in the video, I made note of the changes I see there since my last visit years ago, but the changes in habitat are actually for the BETTER.
I have said it before, but it deserves repeating, “Port Mansfield is always on.” But what I also see in that awakening little fishing village is a place that – no matter what they have done – will be wiped off the map should a direct hit come from a real hurricane. This is all the more reason, given the climate, to make the effort to get to Port Mansfield and fish you heart out there – sooner rather than later. The wheel of fortune lands on bankrupt sometimes too. For Texas, it can land on hurricane any time now. Nobody wants that, but we don’t always get what we want, now do we? So make your Mansfield plans, and read more in the video description on YouTube!
I’ll be back North soon, maybe the boil will be turned down to simmer by then – for all us DFW frogs!