GoPro Hero 3 Black – Update Software Using a MAC
If you have the GoPro Hero 3 Black, and have been trying to update the firmware using a MAC and OS 10.5 or greater, BEWARE that the instructions on the official GoPro website are wrong.
The illustration shows the folder added to the two folders on your card. Actually, you have to extract the files and place them, NOT THE FOLDER, on your card.
This camera is certainly moody, but I have more video from it coming out tomorrow. A few days ago, I recorded the Airstream going back together, but the camera locked up and stopped working just as things were getting interesting. I had no idea because the camera was clamped on a stud in the shell of the trailer and I was busy with the intense operation underway. Stay tuned …
are we back online now with comments now?
We have a few more plugins to activate but getting it done.
I am slowly but surely adding back plugins as the weather is cold and windy and wet.
Still adding back plugins.
lets see if comments are still working on the post about the weird world of gopro
Sorry you are having this issues with your camera. Let’s see if we can get this taken care of for you.
If you see a picture of a bicycle and a plus sign (+) on your camera’s screen, that’s the file repair icon. This means that your file was corrupted during filming for some reason. While the icon is showing on the screen, press ANY BUTTON on the camera, and the camera will repair the file. While the camera is attempting to recover the file, the icon will blink repeatedly. Once completed, the camera’s screen will revert to the normal file counter display.
Here are some ways you can prevent file corruption in the future:
Use a known-good SD card. Here’s a link to our SD Card Recommendations article.
Format the SD card. Here are links to instructions if you’re not sure how to do that: HERO2 SD Card Reformat, HERO3 SD Card Reformat.
For the HERO3, use the I/O Door to cover the SD card slot when the camera is in use. This will lessen the amount of vibration the card is subjected to.