Culture on the Skids

Friday Report – In Like a Lion Comes March


North Texas passed through a gauntlet of weather in the last week, and we have had flash floods, lakes topping out and a general state of confusion setting in for the fish population.

I downloaded all the video on my Sanyo Xacti camera, and threw it together pretty much uncut, just so you can see what all is going on around the Lake Ray Roberts area in general. It’s a hodgepodge of video that includes some Twilight Zone moments where, out of nowhere, 1800’s settler types show up pulling wagons by hand. I am not sure exactly what the point of the exercise is, but if you watch it, it’s obviously exercise. If someone knows what this is all about, feel free to keep me from thinking words like, “hazing,” “brain washing,” “torture.”

Then there’s the curious case of the parking lot full of carp. It happens occasionally when we have flash flooding, and this parking lot is part of the North Texas Greenbelt, located at Highway 380 just east of Denton. Once the waters receded significantly there was nothing much left but the largest carp, and the larger they were, the closer they were to dead. Funny thing, the laws of supply and demand when it comes to a fish breathing out of water, isn’t it? Nature has her ways, and rest assured there are many, many dead trophy carp – hundreds and maybe thousands. That will feed wildlife and fertilize an area that has been fed and fertilized by dead fish for decades. It’s nature’s way.

What was once a predictable climate for finding fish has now been turned topsy turvy in regard to Lake Ray Roberts. If the dam begins releasing, that will be an ON spot. The lake is so high that walking around it and to spots that were accessible a few days ago – ARE GONE.

Spring is an unsettled time, and we will take the rain because we know what summers bring. In the meantime, settle in, wait for the water to clear, and keep tying your flies. The green light is coming, and sooner rather than later.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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