Denton Greenbelt Debacle Update
While my motivation is nearing its all-time low, a place I left it not so long ago for sweet Texas Gulf Coast salt, I still have a duty to report what tidbits come my way. And believe me, they are tidbits.
FROM Robbie Merritt TPWD Lake Ray Roberts
“We did receive word recently that our Inland Fisheries partner’s Fish Passage Grant did not make the cut for this year’s Federal Grant program. But, they are still planning to tweak it some more and submit again for next year’s opportunity.”
Strike two. If memory serves (I wish I could forget), this is the second year in a row that the Denton Greenbelt did not receive Federal Grand consideration for the Denton Greenbelt. I have to give credit to TPWD and Robbie Merritt – at least he’s trying. And this is really not, in my point of view, a disaster that he has any direct responsibility for causing. Yes, my opinion is that restoring the HWY380 Greenbelt Park without having the log jams cleared, was an “interesting” use of State funds, but I wonder if anyone is paying attention – anywhere at all. Another year goes by …
This would be the prime time for fish migrating up the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, all the way to Ray Roberts – if they could. It used to be a fly fishing extravaganza of epic proportions. Now? Go to the Dam at Ray Roberts and see for yourself. Desolate. You can hear the wind blowing.
Have You Heard?
Have a look at the YouTube Playlist for the Denton Greenbelt Disaster, or read more on the page I created for this fool’s errand – Denton Greenbelt Disaster.