AdventureBody-Mind-SoulBrazos RiverEquipmentKayak

Brazos River 20-Mile Run

I am patching together a video on the Brazos River float trip I did last week – with the extreme support of a great group of guys who, for some reason trusted me to be with, and part of, their experienced group of Brazos River runners, a group that has been running that river for nearly twenty years.

I would like to think I contributed something to their experience, but I think I probably took a lot more in than I gave out on this one. Such is the flow of an experiential outdoor writer/photographer …

When I say, “patching together,” it is true. We had marginally acceptable flows at 50-cfs, and that meant some dragging and a ton of paddling. So it was a paddling-camping-fishing trip, pretty much in that order. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! And that is because I am on a learning mission, a mission that leads to having enough new knowledge to … make myself dangerous to myself in all likelihood!

The great thing about building a new knowledge base is that we find our strengths and expose our weaknesses. Right now? My back is killing me, so there’s that. And right now, it is nearly impossible to assume we can correct our weaknesses in gear as well; the “supply chain” is having a direct effect on improving my own abilities related to trips like this one at this very moment.

We are at the tip of this Brazos River iceberg of information, and maybe with a few more trips, we can add some bones (more video, more fish, more downtime) to the meat of information coming here soon.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.