New Year’s Resolutions
So, what are your resolutions for the new year? Fish – more or less?
I am guessing [ppw id=”133612257″ description=”” price=”.10″]
no one has the time to even post a resolution now, as the business of doing business does rule the day. Predictions? Better or worse?
As newly born 2009 begins to open its eyes, it appears to any objective person that if you have had a surviving and not thriving profession, 2008 was the year life support was yanked from your profession. That said, perhaps a new adventure is in order. Certainly, the stock photography business would provide an interesting misuse of time, but in hard times the biggest companies turn to cheap image sources to cut cost. Whatever the case, whatever the new venture, it will certainly make for epic adventures of the smallest proportions. The idea of turning TexasFlyCaster into a profit center during these times, seems a bit sensational. If anyone has a formula for monetizing the internet, speak up – I am sure the NY Times would pay for that knowledge — and is there any doubt that someone will figure out how to do this? Monetizing the internet is where the next Steve Jobs’ and Bill Gates’ are lurking, and thinking, right now. It looks like the “green” publication Catch Magazine may have a formula for attempting to monetize the fly business. It is just a wild guess, but I bet they pay zero for content, and have a site that integrates advertising in an unobtrusive way. The future of magazines?
Is there any doubt deflation is in play? I have been posting on boards for weeks now – at Midcurrent, Trout Underground and Itinerant Angler – about the fact that if one wants to work or continue working in their chosen field, they may (heaven forbid) have to take or make less for their goods and services. It is interesting to watch the reaction to companies like Winston cutting jobs, and fantastic editors like Philip Monahan at American Angler bite the dust, sending inexperienced shockwaves through the boards. The youthful now learn that the road doesn’t go on forever, and the party, at least for now, ends. The ultimate challenge is to find ways to survive or even prosper in times like these. The same guys are asking questions of professionals on shooting weddings for their “cash strapped” relatives while still preaching “Hire a Guide” in other threads. My answer to them; “Hire a photographer, and a photographer will hire a guide!”.
On These Pages
This year will find more outside contributors to TexasFlyCaster, and emphasis on fishing on the cheap. If you need a gear network to find used items for trade, post it here and keep that thread running by referring back to it – first thread will be on next week. There will also be more about getting on the water without getting in the water – specifically kayaks and other affordable options. Salt is a big part of 2009.
Signs of Life
I’ll also be looking for signs of life here. Members and participation should at least triple this year. Based on the last quarter of 2008, and with a new page rank of two, I am not too worried about that resolution. If not, it’s time to fish and cut less bait.
Video Killed the Radio Star
Video is here to stay, and with streaming speeds for residents getting faster an
d faster, get on board and watch the videos for what they cost – nada. Some may be short and pointless, and some may be highly technical and edited. You’ll never know how one ends unless you watch it. I welcome your still and video contributions as well. In the interest of shameless self promotion, I also have a new site LivePhotoLessons where you can learn – live – about photography and video — for a price. Any photography subjects covered here are, as always, free. Most forms of contributions are always accepted.
The State of the Media Today
One resolution is to take the suggestion of Joel Hays, and try to stay away from sites like Texas Fly Report. There is a Jerry Springer-like mentality there that simply enjoys confrontation and “display of knowledge” over “sharing of knowledge”. And I easily proved on Texas Fishing Forum just how easy it is to subvert the boards by misinformation. So many of these fisher’s existence is wrapped up in what they say on the boards, instead of what they do on the water. If someone asks a question, and you want to share an accurate answer on one of those boards, I encourage you to private message (PM) the person with your sharing of knowledge. Good riddance.
I think there will be a strong surge in online magazines like Catch and This is Fly. It is a model that could catch on, and if a magazine can do away with print costs … imagine. Make no mistake, eventually they will have to charge for admission to the magazine unless they can prove results for their advertisers, and in this economy advertisers will be looking for tangible results.
Fish. Get better at fishing, and help anyone who wants help or information on fishing – by sharing not showing. It would be great to hit salt 20 times this year, catch Reds, Specks and maybe a Snook. I would like to see another Tarpon in South Texas too.
Kayak. I want to find folks who want to kayak along with me in the spring as I have found some fantastic spots for bass, and enjoyed good success on the kayak in Galveston and chasing Sand Bass here in the summer. Anyone interested?
Shoot. Shoot more video and get better at it. Take or go with anyone fishing anywhere they want to go – learn more along the way.
Write. Write more and get paid for it. Photograph more and get paid for it. Work more and get paid for it. Do you notice a theme here?
[/ppw]Good luck to you and good catching in 2009. If you have anything to say, feel free to say it here. If you don’t say anything, that is great – you must be fishing. Fishing beats talking about fishing – EVERY TIME.
I need to take a serious look at working on the Mayan Riviera. There’s a future for me there ya’ think? shannon
i was going to say i have nothing to say and i’m not fishing, but we all know that’s not true. (having nothing to say, not my non-fishing that is!) maybe that’s why i never fish, because i can’t keep my mouth shut. thoughts to ponder, thoughts to ponder.
someone came into the store the other day and said “i’m glad you guys are still thriving cause so many have closed these days” wouldn’t it be nice if that were true? truth is rent just went up 500 a month, panera bread’s going in out front, and they just lost their most reliable employee. hopes she gets her fill while she can. nothing is guaranteed these days.
I resolve to make more money this year as well, which kind of goes hand in hand with i resolve to survive the next year. the latter requires the former.
i did make another interesting resolution, but it’s not a year long one. I resolved to run 26.2 miles before i’m 26.2 years old. first i have to get over the fact that running a marathon is insane. but i figure hey… why not?
anyhow, that’s enough for now.