Book ReviewsComplimentary Reading

#ReadingIsFun – The Big Reveal New Stack of Fly Fishing Books to Review

Publishers Send Seventeen New Fly Fishing Books for Review

Fly Fishing Books Review 2018

I am not sure whether it was publisher or distributor motivated, but maybe you can help me decide which of these books to read for the first book review of 2018?

I have read a couple of them already (now I have two copies!), but this is a pretty big stack and I need to get started.

it is an amazing time when someone in my position – to share information – is torn between reading books, and producing YouTube videos! Talk about a split personality? The two may be polar opposites, for me they are, but one audience still reads, while the other apparently never reads. I never want to have to choose between the two, and time does force some hard choices, but what is the winter for if not to read, and watch and wait?

So this is the reading list. Two of these are already reviewed here, and in publications. “The Tug is The Drug” is a book I read awhile back, and I recently published a review on “The Best Bass Flies” here and in the pages of the Lone Star Outdoor News.

You too can own and read these books! I highly recommended the book, “The Best Bass Flies: How to Tie and Fish Them,” and you can read my book review of The Best Bass Flies anytime you like.

Thanks for READING, and be sure to put in your two-cents-worth, whether it is recommending which book to read, or your own opinion of the books listed here.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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