Yes It’s Fish Related – Art
Richard Davis is a fishing buddy of mine, and happens to be a well known and successful sculptor who lives on Lake Kiowa, Texas. He knows how good he’s got it, and I have been fishing with him about a year on “his” lake. If you haven’t been to Lake Kiowa, it’s a gated community lake north of Lake Ray Roberts, and produces lunker largemouth, spectacular crappie and is home to legendary grass carp. I’ve done pretty well with the first two, and maybe I’ll have a shot at the grassies if this drought continues, and the creek don’t rise.
This is a video that is part of the content for Richard’s site, and although you may think it’s not about fishing, it is. Richard’s current vein of sculpture was tapped on a fishing trip to Cabo, and as you will hear, he’s influenced by many things water related. Part two, later this week, will delve directly into what took him in this direction, and how he translates what he sees in fish, water and nature, into stainless steel.