
Vintage Fly Fishing Video

Backcasting – TexasFlyCaster YouTube Video Vault Series


Whether it’s “quaint,” or just plain entertaining to look back at some of these old video works — is your call. They come from a time when the Texas Fly Caster YouTube Channel was simply a backup to the writing here on this big fat website – fat with information, living and learning. I am going to match up dates these vintage fly fishing videos were made, with their anniversaries – as closely as possible. These videos also come from a time when YouTube was new ground, with regulations on resolution that made many of these old videos today, look and sound terrible. Those were the rules at YouTube back then though, before superfast upload and download speeds were commonplace – as they are today.

If you have been riding alongside here, you remember I used to only create videos during the Texas fly fishing “seasons?” Those were the days. It lead to thick-and-thin times on the YouTube video list, and was one reason for the slow growth pattern plaguing the Texas Fly Caster YouTube Channel today. THIS VIDEO is certainly a snapshot of better fly fishing days around here! A time when the water flowed through the mess on the Elm Fork of the Trinity below Ray Roberts Lake.

I have hopes that some of you will watch, or listen to these and see if you can hear my original intent when I started down this digital video path, having no idea it would lead to what we have here today! If you do think you hear or see something of an old “flicker,” reach out and comment below – tell me what that “flicker” was. I will say the evolution of the video medium, for me, has distinct roadsigns along its ongoing road, ongoing today. I never even considered the possibility of YouTube as viable early on. THEIR QUALITY WAS SO BAD! I completely missed the revolution, and when I suddenly woke up around 2015? I was headed down a years-long illness and recovery path. It was a path I never ever wanted to exploit by exposure, self exposure, on YouTube. Wow, has that train left the station! So many YouTube personalities are all about self exposure, aren’t they. It has taken years to just come around to talk (a little) about the armor piercing round I took in 2015, but you can hear it now – in the sound of my voice.

I will do us all the favor of leaving out the more typical “Texas Fly Fishing Reports” that were timely for a week or two, and stick to video stories that have some evergreen qualities to them.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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