The Wholistic Fly Fisher©
A New Year & A New Fear Takes Shape
It’s not that I have been putting off this daunting endeavor I call, “The Wholistic Fly Fisher©” … It just demands the best timing so that a thorough start will go off with full backing of all the information, research and thought I have been working on for two years, can be rolled out in an orderly, and I am hopeful, entertaining fashion. I also obviously want to keep you interested, and I am hopeful, interested in the things that interest me and need — need more than a new pair of wading boots.
The fear factor for me is the direction this new curve, in the road less traveled, will be taking. More personal than ever before. More narrow focus on my age group than ever before. And more important than a lot of things you have found to read and learn here – than ever before. Heavy lifting.
The introduction alone will take a long while, but what I have decided to do, is not seek any co-writers for this undertaking, mainly because no one has put up their hands to volunteer. That they are wiser than me, is almost certain. The decision to have no official help, also lead me to an easy decision NOT to roll this into printed form (what were once known as “books”), unless it finds the proper channels on its own merits. Doubtful at best.
This epic will roll out here gradually over years, and more critically, on the YouTube Channel Texas Fly Caster as well. Plenty of internal debate went into that as well. Rather than start a NEW Wellness YouTube Channel, I want to use that particular platform that is HEAVILY 60+ watchers because they are already there and showing me a need for these unaddressed topics.
AT THE SAME TIME, I will not abandon our decades-long adventure! This is more about “equal time” given to those (including me) who are aging fly fishers – helping them find their fair share of information and learning — about how to keep going even when the body or mind has doubts. Still to come, are practical fly fishing destinations, and trips we can, at any age, actually imagine ourselves doing as a DIY trip, or a guide assisted fly fishing trip. Tips, maps, gear, music and fly fishing cultural experiences are all on the radar in 2025 and beyond … business as usual here … and miles to go before we sleep.
There’s still so much for me to learn, and I enjoy that learning process most when it benefits others as well as myself. That hasn’t changed either!
The changes you will find, if you choose to look, are mostly at the YouTube Channel. That is where I have been venturing into different styles of video presentation, like “vlogging” and “podcasting,” with a probable adventure into the “live streaming” side of YouTube VERY SOON.
Clearly, there is a shift on here. FROM a time when virtually everything was a written story, and accompanied by an occasional supporting YouTube video (terrible low resolution regulated at that time by YouTube), TO a lot more videos where I can reach more people in different demographics with a common thread – they don’t like reading as much, and they really like watching! As a working photographer, I completely understand and I am an extremely willing participant in that kind of sharing. I believe it is leading to a better experience for fly fishers overall, and I have obviously embraced this far reaching change. It is a LOT more work though, so if you enjoy it? Please feel free to “like” “comment” and watch those videos to the VERY END. If you do that, they will keep coming, and if nobody watches a particular type of video? I will drive that style into extinction!
EDITOR NOTE: The Wholistic Fly Fisher approach to life and living the fly life, is for entertainment only. Any medical mentions, or supplements, or exercises, or psychological aspects of the Wholistic Fly Fisher approach ARE best undertaken with the advice of your specific medical doctors and advisers in these areas of YOUR OWN life.