The Verdict is In – Kill Your Next Gen Website Plugin NOW
What looked like an outright attack (which coincidentally is what I asked for on the same day), turned out to be a conflict with a piece of software on this and another website I have. It turned on the server and resulted in a shutdown of all sites I handle at my server – Houston based Hostgator. The kind of tables it was putting out made it look like an attack that originated in Minnesota and routed to Silicon Valley and to Houston. Fortunately no one was out to crash the site, but you can bet I have killed the Next Gen plugins, and am dumping my second, and last Photocrati website (which runs on the Next Gen plugin) as soon as possible. Their suffering should be as long, and painful as your was yesterday, right!? The folks at Hostgator were slow on the uptake, and after working on the problem from about noon to midnight yesterday, we went back live long after most of your bedtimes.
Obviously there will be some changes. One change that is already implemented is a cache system that generates plain html copies of all the Texas Fly Caster pages. If your performance is better or worse – I NEED TO KNOW. Please take the time to let me know if you are experiencing any strangeness. It should help with speed. As you know, this has always been a heavy lifting site.
Thanks for sticking it out, and get ready for some rain North Texas!
More to come from on the ground in Boulder, Colorado. Apparently Lyons is the place that took it on the chin, and the burgeoning reporter there said people are saying “Lyons is gone.” It is sealed off, and last I heard no one is getting back in yet.
Hate conflicts. Don’t know the plugin you ditched, but I should warn you — Hostgator always tells you to install one of two cache plugins, but the Trout Underground has gotten hacked four times the last two years, and every time it seems as if one of those cache plugins is responsible (Hostgator has oscillated between the two major plugins the last couple years).
Good luck.