Texas Fly Fisherman Gift Idea 2017-1
Got a guy, or chick that is into fly fishing?
There’s a way you can give them a day to remember, and help support the Texas Gulf Coast fly fishing community that was hit by the destruction of Hurricane Harvey. It’s simple gift giving, and you get as much as you give! How cool is that?
Book a fly fishing trip for your significant FFO (Fly Fishing Other) this Christmas. The guide’s area most deeply affected by Harvey is actually not that vast. You would independently look for a guide in Rockport or Port Aransas, Texas. Or, let me recommend three guides I had personal contact with just after Hurricane Harvey.
- KenJo Fly Fishing Captain Ken Jones at www.kenjofly.com
- Captain Chuck Naiser at www.chucknaiser.com
- Captain William Townsend at www.lightandfly.com
[ppw id=”183910614″ description=”Christmas Idea GET A GUIDE!” price=”.25″]This part of the Texas Gulf Coast is still suffering greatly – from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, and the aftermath they all live in and with right NOW. The three names above are only a few of the names you could find for guided fly fishing trips in that part of Texas. Any serious fly fisher would be extremely happy to get a gift like this, and this kind of giving has a direct and TRICKLE DOWN effect on their economy. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. Contact me at nine-four-0-three-80-zero-four-08 if you need a pep rally for this present.[/ppw]