
TEXaHoma Drought Map Tells the Story

Warning: Don’t turn a novice loose with a powerful software tool, like Adobe PS-CC! You never what you’ll get. Today is a perfect example. If I “stitch” together two of the most accurate drought maps available, you can see the spreading blotch of drought that is beginning to consume North Central Texas and South Central Oklahoma.

While that probably matters little to anyone outside the spreading ink stain, I sit right in the middle of it today, watching dead leaves blow down the street at forty-miles-per-hour. Not beautiful fall foliage colors, mind you, but dead leaves in shades of crispy brown.

The one thing this “town” had going for it, for decades, was … as cheap (great) as this sounds, an affordable cost of living. I called Denton, “… a warm and fuzzy town that would always take you back,” in the past. Sure, it’ll still take you back, but now there’s a price tag, and Denton’s not affordable anymore. Yes, Denton is warm, but not so fuzzy. Those days are gone – until declining student demographics catch up with the two university town.

NOTE: Great amounts are being written right now, in places that find and take information from right here. I appreciate it when those of you who take – GIVE BACK – credit for where that information originated! Please feel free to give credit in the future.

LOOKING AT THE TexaHoma map, the problem is obvious. Texas needs to secede so that we can control our own weather! And we could take Oklahoma with us while we are at it, and create a casino based nation to the north, called CasinoHoma, or considering the drug trade there, “MethaHomaSino.” And while we’re at it, we can take back all that land from the true Real Americans … okay, maybe this is getting out of hand. But Texas could at least take control of the weather back from the Federal Government couldn’t we? – Please accept bad humor as part of your Water Wednesday Report today.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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