
TEMU Fly Fishing Stuff

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In an era of price gouging, corporate greed and fake-flation price hikes in the fly fishing industry, why not try another resource for the mundane fly fishing products that have spiraled out of control in price? A major problem in pricing is fly tying materials, and on the National discussion board – THE FLY FISHING FORUM we were talking about the company TEMU in relation to the price of bucktails used for tying the vast majority of the flies I tie for warm water fly fishing big calm in Texas. 

If you haven’t noticed, or your supply of bucktails has not dwindled down, then you may not even know the price, for a baseline ducktail has tripled (THREE TIMES THE PRICE) in the last eighteen months. I don’t know about you, but my income has not tripled, and I know my expenses have not tripled … so what’s the deal?

The deal is economic opportunism. That means companies (of all sizes) still see an opportunity to increase profits, not on innovation, not because of expenses, not because of the supply chain, but simply for the almighty dollar. These companies have even taken to creating their own high profile “Grading System” for bucktails, yes bucktails – the lowest of low, those things that cover a deer’s ass. And that is what was being discussed on the forum, deer ass coverings.

There are legitimate reasons why prices went up in the last four years (having nothing to do with the administration in power at that time), and the price increases were duly passed along in fly fishing gear and supplies. BUT, that inflation was a protracted event, lasting less than a year! Prices, in some areas of fly fishing continued rising anyway – for another year, and some are still rising even now! It is also well known; the fly fishing pandemic bubble has long burst, but the price gouging because of out-of-whack demand and supply chain problems? That price gouge bubble has not burst – even with supply chains restored, and demand back to below pre-COVID demand levels (aka. more economically healthy levels).

Make no mistake: I MAKE American products that I sell. I resisted the temptation to ride along with the greedier US manufacturers during this unique economic period. I would rather buy AMERICAN, BUY LOCAL, and take a little reaming at the checkout counter, but the repeated beating, in this case fly tying materials prices, being delivered? There is no choice but to TRY SOMETHING ELSE until the USA prices settle back down … Guess what? They never will settle back down, and their golden goose biots are slowly being strangled to DEATH. If enough animosity forms, you are going to see major contraction in the fly tying supply industry – AND VERY SOON.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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