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Sharing The Love of Fly Fishing

Six Great YouTube Fly Fishing Channels You Would Like

NOTE – The Video ran several weeks ago, but this story sat in the queue waiting to be found again!

Yeah, I know telling you that you would like something? That invites all kinds of kickback, but I am willing to share some of the YouTube Channels I like, and suffer the criticisms and, as Tom Rosenbauer says, … but what about, but what about …” comments sure to follow.

We are heading toward the indoor season here in North Central Texas, even IF the temperatures are in the mid-eighties this week. We know what can happen when we are lulled into leaving our long johns in the attic a little bit too long.

One of the things that keeps me looking ahead is good videos about fly fishing and fishing. These are some of the channels that run in my shop – with my full attention, or when I am tying flies all day long. What channels do you watch? Be sure you LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE to the Texas Fly Caster Channel!

1 – Mill House is a interview based channel that does for Florida what I wanted to do for Texas. Andy Mill interviews the legends of Florida fly fishing and fishing. His interviews, and the subject matter ranges far and wide. There’s a reason I list Andy Mill’s Mill House at number one!

2 – The informational site Mad River Outfitters is pretty darn informative! They don’t break much ground. They follow more than lead, and the channel is based on their shop’s merchandise, but still there is information around those items they promote and sell.

3 – Respect to Alvin Dedeaux. He started a lot later down the YouTube road than I did, but with his geographic superiority, information, knowledge and unbridled pursuit of endorsements? Alvin has catapulted since our first full length video all those years ago. Alvin is worth the watching. He’s had some bad times lately with the tragic loss of his wife, but it hasn’t stopped him from making the comeback we all anticipated. He’s back.

4 – Huge Fly Fisherman is one of the channels I find strange to watch. But still I watch. The guy keeps it simple. He is super consistent and he has a huge fly following! Sometimes I think I am watching fly fishing’s Seinfeld, a show about nothing … but there’s something there.

5 – Texas Insider Fishing Report is a TV based video channel that comes out of Florida, hence the eye candy, but for their Texas Insider reports it is impossible to beat. There is NO one who will deliver the straight skinny like this show does every week during fishing season in Texas. it may be conventional, but it does translate into fly english quite well. I rely on this channel to bring you the information I have at the height of the season.

6 – Orvis. Yes, that Orvis. The Orvis that brings you everything you possibly need to be a fly fisher. Actually, as Orvis takes a financial hit, I want to see if they continue to try to promote TR to something that looks a little like a successor role to Lefty Kreh. I can tell you, based on what I have seen, and continue to watch. It a’int happening. But that’s why I watch – to see what Orvis comes up with next, and now, to see if they continue to exist in their current skin. This is one of those love-hate kind of things. You either love it, or you hate it – but still you watch.

Link to the Alvin Dedeaux Video we did a dozen or so years ago on the Guadalupe River –

Thanks to so many thousands of you for watching the above video already! This story should have run the same day the video ran, but better late than never I suppose! If you have a channel you watch, and as I researched I realized, there are dozens and dozens of bigger fly channels than my own, LET US KNOW ABOUT IT! I am constantly shocked by how many people I ask, “… how did you learn that?” respond with, “ON YOUTUBE!” This is the dynamic we find fly fishing in, and it will be interesting to watch to see if the herd of fly fishing channels thins out any in coming years.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

One thought on “Sharing The Love of Fly Fishing

  • Wouldn’t it be something if this list of folks threw back some of that love? Even one of them? In 17 years, I can honestly say that has never ever happened. Same goes for my local fly shops as well.

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