Raining Fish in Texarkana Texas

| January 3, 2022

Don’t Slip on the Sidewalk!

Texarkana, Texas, has us all beat! It rained fish in Texarkana, over the weekend – just another sign the end is near for those fish anyway! Fish emulsion for everyone, and it’s on the house!

Around here, we have the first real cold front of the 21-22 winter, and it may be late again this year, but then again – winters are no longer a calendar event on this part of the planet.

My SO convened our morning meeting, and we were bantering about the questions in this set of cards, Vertellis. They’re the kind of questions you ask yourself in the quiet times, but as read, they are outwardly directed, like “What was the most beautiful place you went to last year?” The game originates in the Netherlands, where they have more time on their hands and a lot less day-to-day concerns, like heath care. Imagine that. It’s not really a “game,” but more of a mind stimulator – questions look forward as well as backward across your personal mind space. 

If you missed the OG’s video rundown, published last week, fear not! I am embedding it here again … back into the “normal” routine of normal days and normal weeks. (There is some “forward looking” information in the video.) 

Holidays seem to break the routines and this round, combined with all the chinks in my armor, left no room to fly fish anywhere. I find it hard to hold holidays dear, that is unless I am catching tiny trout in Downtown Boulder, Colorado. I could do that every year, and now that Boulder is partially burned to the ground? Maybe there’ll be more fish to go around? Or maybe they’ll start falling from the sky … watch out my Boulder New Age friends! Joking of course, and it’s probably not funny, but neither was the much larger fire in Bastrop, Texas, several years ago – a fire that got a fraction of the coverage by the mainstream media. It’s just another case of media bias.

I have to hunker down once again the next few of days – exposure to fresh omicron last night has us in the wait-and-see before we test. Life during Covid …

I also have a 2022 resolution to spend more time, and share more knowledge about photography on my other YouTube Channel, which you will see when you visit – IS A BLANK SLATE. We could hardly be surprised about that, could we? If you consider I have 2287 posts here since 2007, it is easy to see which syllable has the emphasis. The original photography YouTube Channel may actually change names, but I will loop you in when it all settles.

Thanks for reading my friends, and Happy New Year to all of you! The Monday Morning Sidewalk may be cracked, but it’ll be filled in with some new Dead Drift Podcasts this year, so have your technology ready to listen or download when you see them. For a slate of old Dead Drift Podcasts, go to – Dead Drift Podcast – and have a listen. Trust me, it’s pretty easy listening, but you will not find the Dead Drift anywhere but here on the website.

HAVE A LOOK BACK AT THE TOP MUSIC OF 2021 AS WELL – Top 2021 Music Releases by Shannon

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Category: Backcasting, Body-Mind-Soul

About the Author ()

https://www.shannondrawe.com is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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