I’m Your (Fly) Huckleberry
Word On High Reaches Down, Way On Down
Do you ever go for a walk in the woods? Wooded walks in North Central Texas rarely lead to anything but more walking, maybe in circles and maybe in straight lines. Regardless, this area has the woods, but without the payoff – STREAMS, at the apex. It is a sad state of affairs and one that can lead one Huckleberry to delusional experiences sans the local mushrooms.
Video RollBacks to Cover Missed Fly Fishing Topics
Staying warm. I started down the road to warmth in the late 1980’s before I moved to San Diego County, CA. Believe it or not, that North Texas football photography clothing came in handy at altitude in California. From the snowy mountains at the Palomar Observatory, I could see the Pacific on a clear day, and there were one or two a year back then. Those layering and fabric lessons came in handy in California, and then again when I came back to the Warm-and-Fuzzy North Texas scene.
Since then, there have been blizzards here, grid failures (Thanks GOVERNOR) and plenty of cold days and nights. Add fly fishing in frigid Oklahoma waters, and yet … still I stay warm. I took this knowledge for granted until now. Plenty of the Military Veterans I work with don’t want to be cold anymore, ever again never again.
Stationed in places, like South Korea, stops in Alaska … they know cold I will probably never know. And Uncle Sam can deliver some of his best people from Hawaii to South Korea in a matter of hours, in a moment’s notice. That’ll leave a mark.

Staying Warm in Outdoors
Sounds simple to some, but really? Staying warm in cold, COLD WATER, is an exercise in wholistic fly fishing when it comes down to it. We are all different, when it comes to pain and comfort levels and when it comes to our own hot or cold. The methods I go over in this video address the wholistic nature of warmth specific to an individual – by providing basic information about outdoor clothing and layering. Add or subtract those layers based on YOUR OWN individual needs. As basic as this all became to me, I never talked about it until now!
My journey to enlightenment, to the basics, the basic questions and needs of fly fishers, came on a recent walk in the woods near home. Watch and see …
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