Fort Worth Fly Fishers Fundraiser
We’re a week away from the Fort Worth Fly Fishers Annual Dinner and Auction. Folks, this is our ONLY fundraising event, and the money we raise helps keep our club operating. It starts at 6:00 p.m. at the Elks Club Fort Worth.
The money we raise goes to paying for outstanding speakers in our sport who we invite from all over the U.S. It pays for support of worthy organizations like Reel Recovery and North Texas Patriot Anglers. I bet you didn’t know that to operate a club of our size takes at least $5,000 to operate annually. We have expenses such as the meeting room rental, all the communication platforms and web site and a host of other “incidentals” that add up to serve our more than 250 members.
PLEASE visit the web site and purchase your tickets. It’s $30 per person (includes dinner and a bar drink coupon). And bring your friends! This helps us plan the amount of food we need.
We have quite a few live auction items—many great trip opportunities all over. And, we’ll have bucket raffles for gear, fly tying materials and such.
Don’t forget the kayak raffle! You can purchase tickets online or that evening when we’ll draw the winning names.
Thank you for your support of Fort Worth Fly Fishers.
Kay Jackson
President, Fort Worth Fly Fishers

Elks Club? Ommmmf. Okey-dokey, well be sure to go and bid on the PURPLE Fly Mat I donated to the cause! Here is the Fort Worth Elks Lodge Map on Google.
Maybe I can get this new fly tying program for Denton County Veterans on the list for support from Fort Worth Fly Fishers!
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