
Danco Knives Review PLUS Simms Boot Repair Follow-Up

Here is a great deal on some good knives from Danco Pliers Company, and why I see the value in having a set of these Danco Knives around. I do NOT get any pro or promo deals on Danco Knives, but if you go to the site and sign up for email notifications, you can take advantage of deals they will email to you directly. This set of knives was free shipping and no sales tax. Heckuva deal at a few cents shy of $24-dollars us.

Simms and Sika 221 Follow-Up

I left the Simms Flats Sneakers wrapped for a few days, and the tape came off easily – did not stick to the Sika, and once I had it all unwrapped, it was holding STRONG! I can not wait for the chance to give them a go again in true field testing conditions. REMINDER: Watch the video and I will tell you how to do an even better job than I did on that first Simms Boot Repair with Sika video I did on YouTube.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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