Body-Mind-SoulCulture on the SkidsPaid Reading Content

Monday Morning Sidewalk New TEMPORARY Lower Rates Pay Per View 2018

Good morning and welcome to the second Monday in 2018!

The Texas weather rollercoaster continues this week, with shallower dives and lower mountains, but check back tomorrow. Anything can change in this country.

I had a meeting with my board of directors this morning, and the blowback, related to subscription reading here, has begun. It is one of those questions without anyone apparently brave enough, or time enough to answer.

Basically, sticking my licked thumb in the air, I am getting the impression the reading public has … quit reading. I base that on what I see in the news, a Twitter presidency and the nuclear proliferation of Instagram as an informational source. A perfect example of that played out over the weekend when someone I was talking to, probably best defined as an acquaintance, was glancing at my latest article in The Drake, and said, “… I heard you have a Youtube channel,” with significantly more energy than it took to turn the pages of Drake magazine.

I pondered that awhile. I added it to the informational inventory. The truth is (thank you Google analytics) the vast majority of visitors here every day are newcomers. And that’s a good thing. But the chairman  of the board made some good points:

  • Don’t you just want to spread the fly word far and wide?
  • Couldn’t we make content free, and advertising pay?
  • Can’t anyone just go elsewhere and get the information on TFC for free?
  • Aren’t unicorns real?

All kidding aside, who takes a daily newspaper anymore? Who even reads one online / digitally? I would say it may be time to go from a newspaper format Texas Fly Caster, to a magazine format Texas Fly Caster – if anyone read magazines! Sure, the content here is purely unique, and no one is doing these stories (except after the ideas are gleaned, revised, rewritten and published in for-profit publications). I often say, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him think,” and maybe I should take that to heart.

It’s difficult not to feel like Texas Fly Caster has been disenfranchised, and I probably should remind myself that it is, inarguably, the worst two months of the fly fishing year here – January and February, but …


So let’s get down and mud wrestle with these revolutionary concepts for a bit. I am going to offer $1-dollar ONE YEAR memberships for the months of January and February. And I will be adjusting the Pay-Per-View subscriptions to reflect a downward spiral of those costs for the rest of this month. So to be perfectly clear: You pay one-dollar, and get one year of content that is Pay-Per-View on the Texas Fly Caster website. IF we don’t get a couple of dollars flowing? Who knows what I will do next? IF you are waiting for me to pay readers to read? Please exhale.

Enjoy your reading, and the content here at Texas Fly Caster! And thanks for reading!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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