Riding The Wave

| August 11, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dropping in on you, on a helluva hot Sunday afternoon in August of 2024. Needless to say, the weather has gotten back “on track” for North Central Texas, and outside the thermometer reads a paltry 101-degrees Fahrenheit. It used to be that those kinds of numbers didn’t phase me, didn’t matter. But now? People it’s HOTTER-n-HELL. Better to save up my hydration, and not get a brain fry says I.

This is a preemptive Sunday post, and that is because you may have noticed my regular Monday Morning Sidewalk posts are being preempted by the TPWD Fish Stocking Series of stories that deal with stocking lakes in the Piney Woods and Prairies and Lakes Regions that TPWD has stocked with fish for decades. I am actually getting mentally steeled for the long reading of the multiple replies from TPWD, and getting that ready to post this week. I have read it all, but not all at once, and now it comes down to where to break these responses into smaller pieces. It sounds crazy, since I do all this work (I was educated in) for free, but this is one case that I need you to believe me when I say, YOU gots to see this! I have never read such informative and authoritative about TPWD stocking – in one place, EVER! It’s pretty fantastic reading.

The TPWD stocking stories have stretched out over two weeks now, and it is entirely possible they will go another two weeks, as I offer the folks at TPWD time to read and respond to the series … in real time. In the end, I will be bringing you a brand new perspective, from the environmental fisherman level, on just how old and out-of-date the preexisting fish stocking practices of TPWD are, and how it looks to take a wholistic, aka. BIG PICTURE, look at unique and new future could look for stocking practices at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. It may actually be TOO environmentally aware to stand a chance in a state like Texas.

In The Background On A Loop

The tight loops have been flying on days when the sun does NOT come out, and we have had a couple of those recently. Although the weather has been turned to air fry this week, I will be throwing a few more this week as well – – in an effort to pull together another Texas Fly Fishing News Report … soon, very soon.

As always, thanks for reading and please feel free to subscribe to get notices when new stories hit the site. And visit the YouTube Channel if you can stand it!

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Category: Backcasting, Body-Mind-Soul

About the Author ()

https://www.shannondrawe.com is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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