Kayak Shuttle Service for North Texas Greenbelt Up and Running
Here it is. I built it, now the logistical problems associated with a run on the Greenbelt Corridor are solved. Come give it a try.
I have been known as one who occasionally succumbs to the Kevin Costner “Build it and They Will Come” mentality. I just couldn’t understand why no one has capitalized on the stunning and secluded North Texas Greenbelt that is just a couple of miles outside Denton, Texas.
So, I took it upon myself to start the Kayak Shuttle Service for the North Texas Greenbelt and beyond. I can easily see a time when the trailer could be used to spearhead a large contingent of floating fly fishing vessels to places like Lake Murray in Oklahoma, or other exotic locales that are more than a short stretch away. For now, I will settle for a good launch of this service with A FREE DAY on June 27th.
You can sign up for a time slot at www.kayakshuttleservice.com, where it’s first-come-first-served. That site also has some images that should give you an idea of what to expect on one of the legs of the journey. It also has maps and historical information on the Greenbelt Corridor.
looking for recommendations as the exposed foam (used for insulating home water lines) took a beating in this configuration. Think I just need to cover the foam with something.