How Long is a Lifetime?

Buy a Texas Fishing License

Lifetime fishing license you say? Yes, Texas does sell them, and they run 600.. Now, we don’t know the time nor the date of our demise, and if we did, it would make this decision a no brainer. An annual license for all waters runs 45.,
until a senior, then drops to 22. for what little time left. So say I make 70 (place your bets now please), the total would be 720. + 110. = 830. A grand savings of 230. by purchase of the lifetime license, and if you think prices will not go up in the next twenty years, you must have voted for our current President.

Regardless of your choice, the time to renew is near. Texas is one of those strange states that has a “For Profit” motive when it comes to fishing and hunting licenses. They expire at the end of the month regardless of when purchased – downright capitalistic. With no further ado, here is the information you seek.

Remember that hunting and fishing licenses for the new season are now on sale. Buy online, by phone (800) TX LIC 4 U (800-895-4248) or at your local license retailer. When you buy your license, you can also enter to win great hunting packages or a lifetime license to hunt and fish for free – forever!

To learn more about the new harvest regs for deer and flounder, the Toyota Texas Bass Classic and other topics of interest, check out the Hook & Bullet Newsletter.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

One thought on “How Long is a Lifetime?

  • Picked up my Texas all water today. Can’t count on the TPWD to find me and trade for the TPWD twitter account. Darn it!

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