Fly and Art Store

Original art reproductions of Leslie Kregel paintings that blend together in a whimsical style that crossing over from the fly fishing world into the natural world.


Rabbit Duo
Rabbit Duo
Rabbit Duo
Rabbits Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Bug on the Fly
Bug on the Fly
Bug on the Fly
Bugs Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Fly on the Flower
Fly on the Flower
Fly on the Flower
Bugs Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Fly on the Flower
Fly on the Flower
Fly on the Flower
Bugs Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Rabbit No Run
Rabbit No Run
Rabbit No Run
Rabbit Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Fly on the Flower
Fly on the Flower
Fly on the Flower
Bugs Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Redrup Rabbit
Redrup Rabbit
Redrup Rabbit
Rabbits Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Prickly Rabbit
Prickly Rabbit
Prickly Rabbit
Rabbits and Cactus Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel
Prickly Bug
Prickly Bug
Prickly Bug
Rabbits Painting Reproduction by Leslie Kregel