Fly Fishing Reruns

| September 14, 2024 | 0 Comments

Saturday Reruns From the YouTube Library

How about a thirteen-year-old video from South Padre Island, and one of my favorite places to fly fish – The Jetties?

To say these were “the early days,” of YouTube and YouTube videos is a bit rich when you see the quality YouTube would render down the files that were pretty lame to begin with – BACK THEN! And you’ll see this was before even the “selfie,” or the concept of self – putting self in front of camera was in my big fat head! So much of the early video work was a “supplement” to the writing that happens here, but along the way to where we are today – the world changed.

I actually LOVE being behind the camera much more, and that is how all this YouTube stuff got started – with me BEHIND the camera. My interview of Barry Schrader on the Blue River in 2008 was much more of what I wanted to do on this video and photographic fly fishing journey. LESS me MORE you! Even better, NO ME in my journalistic opinion. But, to this day seventeen years in, volunteers don’t seem to be rushing forward. There is more to this story elsewhere – have a read at MEDIUM and you may begin to understand my conundrum.

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Category: Backcasting

About the Author () is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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