Tournaments and Contests

Borracho Pescador!


BP Amigos,

The day has finally arrived! Borracho Pescador Trece (September 19-21, 2024) registration is just moments away!

We are overwhelmed by your continued support, most of you have made BP an annual can’t miss program and that is why and how we have achieved so much together. The culture of BP is the essence of all the success we have had together. The pillars of our culture are; fellowship, fishing and giving back and we strive each and every year not to mess that formula up. This year we have the opportunity to achieve something we would have never thought possible, the $1,000,000 mark!

Within the next hour or so, a smaller group than the one receiving this message will receive an invitation / registration link. The folks who will receive this message are all the Team Leaders “Captains” from BP12. The intent, everyone who hosted a team last year is invited back and we look forward to seeing you!

The registration link will come from [email protected] please save this address and [email protected] Moving forward this is how you will hear from us.
Please check your spam or junk folder before you panic.

Sidebar, if you are  one of the fine souls who just support us without participating please message us if you want to support in some way or go to and click the DONATE button.

Team Leaders

•      You will receive an invitation link today; this link is unique to you and only you and is not transferable.
•      Your username will be your email address, you will create a password, yes it will be safe. (Nearly all of you already have this set up)
•      Teams will be sold as; 2 Person Fly Team, 3 person Fly Team and 4 person Bart Team only
•      Sponsorships of course are still in play for Rat, Slot and Bull levels.
•      Industry trade friends (the fine souls that make our prizes, swag bags and all that incredible) there is a spot for you too.
•      You will be able to update your Team Name and team members all the way up to tournament week but please do your best to complete all that you know today.
•      IMPORTANT: This registration window will only be open for 14 days so please make it a priority. If you fail to register within this window, your invitation will be transferred to someone on the Waitlist.

Never been to BP Bro’s

•      Go to, click “Join the Waitlist”
•      Fill out the information and you will be added to the wait list (this resets      every year).

Past participants who didn’t compete last year

•      Go to, click “Join the Waitlist”
•      Fill out the information and you will be added to the wait list.
•      There is a check box for past participants, if you haven’t really been to BP, please don’t claim you have, you will fall into the DQ Country bucket.

Wait listers, we are limited by capacity and have a max number. Our previous field registrations will determine how many spots we have available to fill from the waitlist. We will do all we can to accommodate those of you who have patiently waited for their chance to see the show. I really wish we could have all of you, it’s just not possible.

Along those lines., if you’ve been to BP for a bit and you want to break away from your current team and expand your friend groups footprint and add a team, please think about what that would do if we allowed all to do this. We love you all, but we don’t have room to accommodate the 50 requests we receive every year to do this. We aren’t saying no, just saying add your new team request to the waitlist. We will work that down as we are able.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us. If you or one of your teammates don’t receive a message today, keep it together and message us, I’m sure a couple of folks will slip through the data drain (remember to check your spam).

Humbled and incredibly honored to have your support!

Thank you,
Team BP

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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