Backcasting for 2010-11-07
- #flyfishing #
- Joel Hays cutt. #
- Ok Lyle Lovett sings the National Anthem and two Presidents out for the first pitch. No place but Texas. #
- #flyfishing IGFA phone app released 10/29. Got 8.99? #
- All the best to San Francisco! Heck of a World Series and they deserve the win. #
- Change? I prefer wads of good, hard cash. #
- #flyfishing Keep trying to finish Leeson's book – Inventing Montana, but it makes me want to write! #
- @DiabloPS for Devil's update. in reply to DiabloPS #
- Boulder-built Deep Impact spacecraft flies by second comet – Boulder Daily Camera via @dailycamera #
- #flyfishing Pop quiz: what kind of fish did Peter catch in the movie "Office Space?" #